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Danielle Smith Interview

Common Sense Calgary partnered with Danielle Smith to conduct a series of interviews with candidates for the upcoming Calgary Municipal Election.

All ward candidates who were declared as candidates at the time of filming were contacted to participate in an in-depth interview about the election, their ward, their platform and policies, and their campaign.

Some candidates declined, while others have declared their candidates more recently.

Unlike many interviews where potential talking points are shared before hand so that one can prepare, Danielle chose to keep her list of questions confidential. Her goal was to keep a level playing field for the candidates so that comparisons could be made. Instructions were also given that the interview would be unedited.

You can view my interview below. Should you have any comments or questions you would like me to provide more details on, you can use the contact form on this website, email me, or leave a note in the Visitor Comments section at the bottom of the Blog page.

Thanks for watching!



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