It is unfortunate that I have to post this but the paraphrased Mark Twain quote seems oddly appropriate.
A few minutes into a recent discussion with another gentleman regarding the upcoming civic election the person queried, "May I ask you a question?", to which I responded, "Sure, you can ask me anything!". Much to my surprise I was asked, "Is it true you are dropping out of the election and throwing your support behind XXXXXXXX?" (XXXXXXXX being another of the candidates for Ward 12)
I was left a little speechless by the question, but then answered "No, there is no truth to that whatsoever." The gentleman went on to explain that candidate X had informed him of my apparent upcoming but as of yet unannounced decision. I can only guess, but I suppose this was to try and solicit his support somehow.
In fact, my campaign has been gaining great momentum as of late. With one outlying exception, my interview with Danielle Smith has been viewed more times to date than the video for any other candidate she interviewed on behalf of Common Sense Calgary. Every week more and more people are voicing their support and asking how they can help. The positive feedback to my respectful and reasonable approach has really been catching on. When it comes down to it, I'm really kind of flattered as I think that this and the other shots that have been fired lately are a sign that my campaign is having an impact.
So to my supporters and anyone else to whom this rumor has been relayed; no, I am not dropping out of the election. Reports of my death are greatly exaggerated. Please get a chuckle out of it and be confident that I will be your voice of reason on city council.